
Showing posts from July, 2013

Festival Packing Tips

Apologies for the lack of blog posts recently. I was away in Italy for a week then I had my graduation ceremony and am just back from working at a well known music festival. I worked at this festival last year also, when the weather was not as kind to us in Scotland as it was this year. Last year that particular weekend consisted of rainstorms which led the site to become a big puddle of mud. This year was so warm and gloriously sunny, so much so that I came back with a better tan/sunburn, than I did when I came home from Italy. Having worked through both of these extremes, here is what I have learned and would like to pass on to you: 1. Don't pack too much. Do not pack three different outfits for each day and 10 pairs of shoes for a three day festival. You will not wear it all. 2.   Do not pack all of your favourite, most expensive possessions.  They will get ruined. You will not need an ipad and a laptop. You will have to leave them in a tent, which lets face it, is an un

Wall of happiness

Here is my newly renovated wall of happiness. This wall has been heavily laden with tickets for about a year now but is now completed. (Until I need to add something else). For those of you who don't know, a wall of happiness is where you basically put all things that make you happy. As the name suggests. I believe that everyone should have one of these walls.  I am not one for minimalist decorating. I know where everything in my room is and  feel that I am quite organised. But I like to keep things around me. Memories and pretty things. This wall in particular is filled with a lot of theatre related things. As I recent musical theatre graduate, I have seen a lot of shows in my time. These are the majority of tickets from shows which I have seen or been involved in over the past 5 years. It also includes cinema tickets, quotes, photos, little notes which make me smile and just general loveliness. My advice to everyone is to start building your wall of happiness now. You wo