Wall of happiness

Here is my newly renovated wall of happiness. This wall has been heavily laden with tickets for about a year now but is now completed. (Until I need to add something else). For those of you who don't know, a wall of happiness is where you basically put all things that make you happy. As the name suggests. I believe that everyone should have one of these walls. 

I am not one for minimalist decorating. I know where everything in my room is and  feel that I am quite organised. But I like to keep things around me. Memories and pretty things. This wall in particular is filled with a lot of theatre related things. As I recent musical theatre graduate, I have seen a lot of shows in my time. These are the majority of tickets from shows which I have seen or been involved in over the past 5 years. It also includes cinema tickets, quotes, photos, little notes which make me smile and just general loveliness. My advice to everyone is to start building your wall of happiness now. You won't regret it.

The above picture shows a particular highlight of my wall. I bought the LP frames for £4 in Tiger. One of my favourite shops. It is filled with things you would never have imagined you would ever need. The LPs represent the first two shows I ever performed in and therefore hold lovely memories. I bought them in one of my favourite shops ever in the world. Dress Circle in London. R.I.P. Dress Circle. 

This is my favourite quote. I bought this for about £4 in one of those bargain superstores. I love it. I like to see it every morning to motivate me. I am the cheesiest person in all the land.


Fiona xx


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