Review-Zara Office City Bag

I realise that many people have this nag and that there are countless reviews on the internet but I thought I would give my take on it. I bought this bag at the start of the year-it was sold out in every store I went in to so I decided to get it online. It cost £49.99. I wouldn't normally spend this much on a bag-I tend to use one handbag all the time and I like to carry everything with me so they usually collapse on me after a couple of months-but I wanted to treat myself after working hard all winter and this bag has not given up yet. It has a few bits of wear and tear at the corners but I think that it understandable after all this time. 

As I already mentioned, I like to carry everything with me. I need a Mary Poppins bag. Whenever anyone needs something, I am the girl to come to-fully stocked pencilcase-check, tissues-check, curbis and bobbles galore-check, lint roller...-check, so I like a lot of pockets to keep some resemblance of order. This bag fulfills all of my pocket needs and then some. It has a little pocket for my oyster/railcard holder, a little zipped one for hair things, a perfectly sized pocket for my business card holder and three main pockets. Perhaps most exciting of all (for me anyway) is that the middle pocket is padded and is specifically made for carrying a laptop. My laptop is a 15" which sometimes makes it quite difficult for me to find a case for it but it fits perfectly in here which is so handy for travelling and was extremely useful when I was trying to finish the rest of my uni work. The lining is also a gorgeous burgundy colour and I love the texture of the bag-it makes it feel and look a lot more expensive than it was. Yay! 

The only criticism I have of this bag, is that it gets quite mis-shapen when I have lots of things in it, but I do overstuff it so it can't really be helped. A little old lady ran after me in Glasgow City Centre one day and told me to be careful that a pickpocketer doesn't steal stuff from my bag as it was open. I was fully aware of that as the poppers obviously don't shut when you carry as much as me but it was nice of her to tell me. 

I love this bag and will hopefully continue using it for a long time to come!


         Fiona xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I noticed its size. At 8" tall, 11" wide, and 4" deep, it is noticeably smaller than the large Selma, who is 13" wide and 10" tall. custom printed carrier bags


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