Shoes of the day: Gold Sparkly

I bought these shoes in Next last summer. Next have really nice shoes, I really need to make more of an effort to go into Next to look at shoes cause they have some really lovely good quality ones. I bought these for my parent's 25th Wedding Anniversary at a gorgeous place called Seamill near Largs. It is the best. It holds a lot of memories and is beside the beach. They had a ceilidh (my favourite), however, these shoes are not very ceilidh friendly. Actually, in my opinion no shoes are ceilidh friendly. Ceilidhs are made to take your shoes off and have a good dance. I was at a ceilidh last week and I got so annoyed that no one else took their shoes off. 

Here is the matching sparkly clutch.

I also sang at that party and I nearly fell backwards in the middle of a song as they were so high. Walking in heels makes me look like bambi attempting to walk on ice. 
These are the prettiest sparkly shoes and I always receive compliments when wearing them. They make me feel like a princess. 
I wore them out in Glasgow last night and had to wear flat shoes right up to the door of the bar. They are definitely sitting down shoes. Does anyone else have shoes that they just wear to sit down in?!? 


Fiona xx


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