What I bought whilst in London

So, this holiday, I was very good and bought a lot less than I would normally do. However, I did pick up a few little treats on my travels:

1. IPhone Cover
Front of Cover

I took my boyfriend to Camden Market for the first time. I wasn't too sure if he was going to like it-I think it's one of those places that you either love or you hate. I for one love it and thankfully he did too :) If you have never been before, I would definitely check it out and form your own opinion. You can get some amazing bargains and even do some bartering-exciting! At one of the inside parts-it's huge btw-I found a stall selling lots of these little leather phone cases in lots of different designs. I settled on this 'Banksy' inspired one. It has a cute wee clip and little card pockets. I love it. The only downside is my phone sometimes falls out the wee plastic casing part-oh oh. You can also find them online at www.alittlepresent.co.uk

2. Oyster Card Holder

As I started to get used to travelling around London like a little expert with my Oyster card-I did have many a problem-swiping instead of holding, getting my jacket in the way, the list goes on...), I decided to invest in an Oyster Card holder and found this little beauty on sale in Paperchase, reduced to £4. I love it. Unfortunately it is made of felt, and the reader doesn't pick up the card through it so you have to open it up, but the little closure is very easy to use even using just one hand. You may be wondering why I bought an Oyster card holder when I only use the card once in a blue moon-well it has two sides which means it is the perfect place to also keep my 16-25 railcard. (P.S. This is an amazing investment if you are in this age bracket-I have definitely got my money's worth) You can find this and other Oyster card holders at http://www.paperchase.co.uk/page/home/



3. Apocalips Lip Lacquer

Whilst trying to waste time at Victoria Train Station before heading across to the coach station, I jumped into boots to look at make-up, as you do. I had heard a lot of talk about these Rimmel Lip Lacquers and decided to try it out for myself. I got it in the colour 'Big Bang'-a lovely bright red. I wore it today over 'Ladybug' lipstick by Mac (although I probably could have worn it alone as it has amazing colour pay off) and my first impression is that it lasted fairly well and I love the colour as it is slightly blue toned, making my teeth look whiter. Yay!


I am addicted to this chocolate and it was on offer at WHSmith so I had to get it for the bus. Yum yum yum.


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