A Glasgow Girl in London:Part 2-A Chorus Line

As I said in my previous blog my boyfriend and I are currently in London and bought tickets last night for the revival of 'A Chorus Line' at the Palladium. Our tickets were for the cheap seats (dress circle) but as when we arrived we were told that we had been upgraded to the Royal Circle as the Dress Circle was closed. Yay! 

We went into the foyer and I was amazed at how gorgeous the Palladium is. It's just so pretty and royal looking! We got out programmes (at £3.50 they were cheaper than a lot of programmes we get at home) and headed to the equally gorgeous bar. Once the theatre opened we headed to our seats-our view was spectacular! I had heard a member of the theatre staff say the show was like marmite-people either loved it or hated it as in this revival there wasn't a lot of set. I totally understand why they did it though. It let the actors be the main focal point and showed that behind the scenes at the theatre is not all glitz and glamour. All the performers were spectacular and as you would expect from 'A Chorus Line' they were all exceptional dancers. John Partridge was a wonderful director in the show and although we were a little disappointed to learn that Scarlet Strallen  would not be on, her understudy played the role of Cassie fantastically. 
As a musical theatre performer I love finding new shows, but seeing 'A Chorus  Line' made me realise why I wanted a career in this industry in the first place-it gave me goosebumps and me smile as I remembered listening to the soundtrack as a child. It was soooooo good. Go see it. 


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