My current hair product obsession

As mentioned in a previous blog post, I am not a real ginger person. I actually dye it red. I know everyone in Scotland is actually ginger, but I am naturally blond and a few years ago I took the decision to go red. And I haven't looked back since. I suit being a red head so much more. 
However, it has brought some problems. Red dye fades the fastest, and all the upkeep is not only expensive but also bad for my hair. I use semi-permanent dye as I have heard it is better for the health of your hair and I get it done professionally as I find, for me personally, that it is less dry after a visit to the hairdressers.

This product has really helped my hair in the past few months. Before using it, I found that my hair was getting tangled very easily. This hasn't been a big problem recently and I think it's down to this spray. On the back it says its a thickening leave it conditioner. I definitely think it has helped my hair to have more volume. I used to have such thick hair that hairdressers used to advise me to get it thinned out. I wish I hadn't listened because I wish my hair was a lot thicker now but this product has really helped to get that back. It also claims to have heat protection technology which is good for lazy people like me who don't want to use a million sprays. Also, it smells lovely. I bought the mini version at boots first an then I decided that I loved it and bought the full size. I would definitely advise doing this to check that you like a product first as it is much cheaper and if you don't like it, you haven't spent too much.


         Fiona xx


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