A Sunny Walk

So a couple of days ago I went on another little walk as part of my new 'let's be healthy' regime. People say that being able to drive completely opens up the world to you and it does. It means I've been able to drive myself and my favourite people to places that would have been to far to walk to in the past. So I took my/my mum's car and drove to a little loch (or lake to my non-Scottish readers) called James Hamilton Memorial Park in East Kilbride-just a little outside of Glasgow. I took my little sister (who is infact not so little but actually about double the height of me...I told you I was small-see my post entitled 'Hello...') and my boyfriend and we took a little stroll. James Hamilton is nowhere near as big as Strathclyde Country Park so is better for a more relaxed walk but I still include it as exercise-even though we ate ice lollies on the way round-lemon flavoured lollies are the best in my opinion. Our walk was going very well until my lovely boyfriend decided to lift me up and put me in the dirty loch-I was not amused but soon dried off in the sun. Yet again, no walk of mine would be complete without the obligatory duck pictures.

Ooo, panoramic!

Little baby! Nearly kidnapped this one...

Baby's family.


More ducks!

Long may the Scottish sun continue!




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