Picture of the day.

So yesterday I painted my nails. I'm trying to make a habit of painting my nails more, as I did a clear out the other day and realised I have a lot of nail polish. Perhaps too much. I just get so impatient waiting for it to dry. But here are my nails in the sky. My boyfriend and I went to a lovely local park, and sunbathed. In Scotland! Crazy, right?

Sorry it's a little fuzzy. My boyfriend took it. Also I was wearing my new ring that I got in paper chase for 75p! It was reduced from £4 and I had been looking at it for ages and decided to treat myself. Unfortunately it broke later on in the day cause my boyfriend squeezed my hand too hard :p
Here is a close up of my nails:
The lilac colour is purple sherbet by Ciaté and the sparkly colour is white 314 (I wish they would think up more imaginative names) by Barry M and is part of the new sequin effect collection. The sequin one went weirdly lumpy on the opaque sections which was a little dissapointing as I'd been looking forward to trying it for ages but I'll definitely try again with it. 
In other news I saw 'World War Z'. I purely went to see it cause I think it's hilarious that it is set in Glasgow and I knew quite a few of the extras (I auditioned myself but must have not looked enough like a zombie :p)
It was terrifying. I don't see scary films for a reason. Because I have a big imagination. On the way for the train I thought that a guy was holding a machine gun. It was an umbrella.




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