A Glasgow Girl in London:Part 4-No One Mourns the Wicked

As I await my honours degree results (ahhhhhhhh!) I thought I would finally catch up on the last of my London blogs. On our last day we decided we would catch a matinee before heading back on the dreaded overnight megabus. We again bought our tickets from the Half-Price ticket booth and managed to get tickets for Wicked for £19.50 with a £2 booking fee. Yay! The Apollo Victoria theatre is not the prettiest theatre in the West End but it was handy for the coach station which meant we didn't have to rush after the show! We didn't get upgraded this time and the theatre was packed, (mostly with very noisy school kids) which meant that we ended up in row X of the dress circle. The very back of the entire, very tall theatre. My boyfriend ended up paying the £1 for the funny wee binoculars. I had already seen Wicked with the Original London Cast (yay!) and used to be obsessed with the show so it was nice to see a show where I knew every single line and song back to front and upside down (although I did have to stop myself singing out loud. A lot.) Wicked is super cheesy and have an amazing set. I do love all the flying monkeys. Gregory MaGuire, who wrote the original book, is a genius. If anyone still doesn't know about Wicked, he managed to cleverly slot his story into the Wizard of Oz, and explain how Galinda/Glinda the 'good' witch and Elphaba the 'bad' witch originally met. After the show, we headed to Victoria Train Station and armed with a lot of snacks and the box set of Frasier headed back to little old Glasgow on the megabus.


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