
So after having a gym membership for around six months, only using the facilities about three times, and therefore wasting A LOT of money, I decided to cancel my membership. However, since finishing uni a few weeks ago I have noticed that I have been doing less exercise (less walking to and from a million different buses, less dance classes and generally more eating of chocolate...) and decided to change this. So I grabbed one of my best friends and we took a drive down to Strathclyde Country Park. This is basically a big lake and as far as I have managed to work out the main walkways are around 4 miles in total. It is super pretty (see pictures below) and also it's FREE! It also means that we can have a good wee catch-up on the way round, so really there are no negatives. It has also been sunny recently in bonny old Scotland which makes a nice change and makes our walks a lot more pleasant. We have done this walk twice in the past fortnight and plan on carrying on. Hopefully we'll be ready to get into our bikinis soon and another plus point is that we can get a tan on the way round meaning that people won't be afraid when they see my ghostly legs any more. Yay!


I Love my Hello Kitty Vans!

I am also trying to go to more dance classes again. If anyone is looking for a fun way to keep fit which will work on all your muscles, on cardio, stamina, basically everything, I would definitely recommend going to dance classes. Yesterday, I started a six week course in Burlesque. This is something I have wanted to try for a long time and isn't as sleazy as it sounds. I thought it wouldn't require that much energy but by the time I got home the back of my legs were burning-definitely one to try!




  1. Aw, the swan and the little ducks! SO cute :') I'm glad you're getting some sun over there, we see the tiniest bit of it then it's gone again, no hope of tanning.
    Anyway, welcome to the blogging world, I hope you enjoy being a part of it as much as I do and I hope to speak soon,
    Laura xx

    1. I know! They were adorable!
      Thanks, your blog is amazing!

  2. strathclyde park is great for walking round, i love your van aswell! cheeck out my blog also a glasgow blogger:) x

    1. Thanks! I'm following your blog now, it's great! xx


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