
Hello world...this all seems very strange. I understand what bloggers mean now when they say that your first post seems like you are just shouting into an empty room. I'll start by introducing myself-my name is Fiona, I'm 22 and I'm from Glasgow (as the title of my blog kinda suggests). I have recently completed university and have been a fan of blogs and vlogs for a while so decided now would be the perfect time to start my own. I am planning to blog on fashion, beauty, theatre and my everyday life. Here are a few random facts about me to help you to get to know me better:

1. I have just completed an Honours degree in Musical Theatre. I am currently waiting on my results-it is completely and utterly TERRIFYING.

2. I played the cello at school. When my mother first asked me if I wanted to learn how to play at the age of 11, I was told that it is 'a big violin'. It is a HUGE violin, and considering that I was teeny tiny at that age (and am still fairly petite now) I became known around school as 'Cello Girl' as when I walked up the stairs with my cello on my back you couldn't see me at all. 

3. I used to be obsessed with the colour pink. There was a period in my life when my parents found it hard to get me to wear anything other than pink clothes (and not like the normal baby-toddler pink period, more like between the ages of 3-13...) 

4. I have just passed my driving test and everyone is still a little scared about getting into the car with me...I just scraped a pass in my test and nearly crashed into a lampost just before my test as I was so nervous. 

5. I go to choir and I love it. I think people have a misconception about choirs being really geeky but my parents sending me to choir at the age of 7 was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Without it I wouldn't have learned to sing and met so many amazing people and I wouldn't be where I am today.

6. Also, I can be a bit cheesy at times...



Here is a picture of me being small, wearing pink and beginning my career in Musical Theatre.


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