Festival Packing Tips

Apologies for the lack of blog posts recently. I was away in Italy for a week then I had my graduation ceremony and am just back from working at a well known music festival.

I worked at this festival last year also, when the weather was not as kind to us in Scotland as it was this year. Last year that particular weekend consisted of rainstorms which led the site to become a big puddle of mud. This year was so warm and gloriously sunny, so much so that I came back with a better tan/sunburn, than I did when I came home from Italy. Having worked through both of these extremes, here is what I have learned and would like to pass on to you:

1. Don't pack too much. Do not pack three different outfits for each day and 10 pairs of shoes for a three day festival. You will not wear it all.

2.  Do not pack all of your favourite, most expensive possessions. They will get ruined. You will not need an ipad and a laptop. You will have to leave them in a tent, which lets face it, is an unsecure, piece of plastic. Or you will need to carry everything which will ruin your fun. Don't buy new expensive clothing. Fair enough, buy a couple of inexpensive pieces from Primark to get you in the festival mood but be prepared for them getting ruined. I am still working in the campsites when most of the campers have left and have seen how many things get left behind. Last year things were ruined due to mud and this year it was dust.

3. Do not wear heels. You may laugh but I have witnessed girls wearing 5 inch heels in 3 inches of mud. Just don't do it, it is silly. You will not be able to walk anywhere. I wore Asda wellies both years and found them to be ideal whereas some of my friends wore converse all weekend.

4. Pack for all eventualities. After having said don't pack too much, I'm going to sound like I am contradicting myself. The weather in the UK can change so easily. Pack a rain jacket (I take one of those anoraks in a bag), take hoodies, shorts, leggings for under the shorts if it gets cold, if you can fit it, take an old onesie. It was so warm during the day last weekend, but at night the temperature plummeted and it was freezing. I missed my onesie a lot.

5. How to pack. Before I went this year, I had a brainwave. I took a pack of those medium sized sandwich bags from my kitchen drawer and rolled up a whole outfit into each one and it fit perfectly. This meant that I could easily find everything and it stayed clean. I took one of those hiking bags (my sleeping bag was attached to this), a little tiny shoulder bag for taking into the arena with all my essentials, and a small backpack, and a chair (if you can take one, I didn't last year and I wish I had. It feels luxurious when you are relaxing in your campsite.), my friend had our tent. In my small backpack, I carried shower essentials. This meant that when I was standing in the queue for the showers I had everything ready to go-A towel, one washbag for shower things and a separate one for all other wash things (basically sink things-toothbrush, toothpaste, skin things, and my sandwich bag with my outfit in it. This helped a lot.

What I took in my bag to the arena:

  • Map of the site
  • Phone
  • Sun Cream
  • Midgie spray/bug spray
  • Tissues
  • Medicine
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Money
My essentials for the weekend:
  • Two bath towels-one may fall on the ground and get dirty-you can dry them but hanging them on your tent or inside.
  • As many plastic bags and bin bags as you can stuff in a pocket in your bag-you never know what you might need them for.
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Baby wipes-I took four packs. You will get dirty during the day. I found that hand sanitizer sometimes wasn't enough to clean my hands before eating-I had to use a baby wipe to get all the dust off and then hand sanitizer to get the extra germs away. Also some festivals make you pay for showers and others just have very long queues. You may need a baby wipe wash.
  • Warm clothing-like I said, matter how warm it is during the day, the temperature can plummet at night.
  • Money to charge your phone-although it is nice to get away from modern technology, if you get separated from your friends you might need some charge in your phone.
Stay safe if you're going to a festival this summer!


Fi xx


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