
Showing posts from May, 2013

Films I have been loving recently

I watch a lot of films. There was a time when I didn't watch that many films (I sometimes get bored easily when sitting still watching a screen for 2 or more hours) but since the discovery of the Cineworld Unlimited card I go at least once a week. (If you have a cineworld near you I highly recommend it...if you go twice a month it's worth it.)  Today I saw Hangover 3 with my sister and thought I'd give you a wee Fiona-style review on some films I have seen recently. 1. 21 And Over I liked this film. It follows a group of three friends as they celebrate a 21st Birthday. It was done in a sort of 'Hangover' style but with a moral message hidden underneath. It was funny but thinking back now, it wasn't very memorable. One of those films where you kind of forget that you ever watched it. However, one redeeming feature was Skylar Astin ('Pitch Perfect', 'Wreck it Ralph') Mmm...mmm...mmm. 2. The Big Wedding On the way out of 21 and Over, my boyfriend


So after having a gym membership for around six months, only using the facilities about three times, and therefore wasting A LOT of money, I decided to cancel my membership. However, since finishing uni a few weeks ago I have noticed that I have been doing less exercise (less walking to and from a million different buses, less dance classes and generally more eating of chocolate...) and decided to change this. So I grabbed one of my best friends and we took a drive down to Strathclyde Country Park. This is basically a big lake and as far as I have managed to work out the main walkways are around 4 miles in total. It is super pretty (see pictures below) and also it's FREE! It also means that we can have a good wee catch-up on the way round, so really there are no negatives. It has also been sunny recently in bonny old Scotland which makes a nice change and makes our walks a lot more pleasant. We have done this walk twice in the past fortnight and plan on carrying on. Hopefully we


Hello world...this all seems very strange. I understand what bloggers mean now when they say that your first post seems like you are just shouting into an empty room. I'll start by introducing myself-my name is Fiona, I'm 22 and I'm from Glasgow (as the title of my blog kinda suggests). I have recently completed university and have been a fan of blogs and vlogs for a while so decided now would be the perfect time to start my own. I am planning to blog on fashion, beauty, theatre and my everyday life. Here are a few random facts about me to help you to get to know me better: 1. I have just completed an Honours degree in Musical Theatre. I am currently waiting on my results-it is completely and utterly TERRIFYING. 2. I played the cello at school. When my mother first asked me if I wanted to learn how to play at the age of 11, I was told that it is 'a big violin'. It is a HUGE violin, and considering that I was teeny tiny at that age (and am still fairly petite