
Showing posts from September, 2013

Nails of the day: Autumn Berry

I have a dilemma. I can only have my nails painted at certain points in the week. I work in as bar staff and waitressing part time and having painted nails there is generally frowned upon as customers tend to dislike finding chips o nail polish in their food and/or drinks. However, for the other part of the week I am a professional performer. As part of this job title, I currently get paid to sing. I like to make an extra effort to look nice for this as people will be looking at me a lot and part of this is having my nails painted. Anyway, that long introduction was basically to let you know that I have painted my nails for this week. Here they are:  I used Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine in 'Pomegranate' on all my nails. I only needed one coat which was good as I was in a rush. I like this nail polish. I find that on me it tends to get less shiny fairly quickly (although maybe if I applied more coats this might improve :p) but I love the colour and think it is perfect for autumn.    I

Autumn Make-Up Clear Out

I love make-up. There is rarely a day when I can go out without wearing it (there have been times recently when I have been feeling brave and have decided to face the world au natural but this is very rare indeed and by go out I might going to the shops.) This is mostly due to the fact that my skin is not the nicest. I realise that piling more make-up on is not going to help but to make my skin any better I would probably have to stop using make-up for a long time and this is not going to happen. What a conundrum! Anyway, the point of this blogpost is that this has resulted in me having a lot of make-up (well...what I consider to be a lot of make-up, however, having watched make-up collection videos on Youtube I realise that my collection is quite small in comparison. However, I probably use about 30% of my make-up and the rest is just sitting in cases. So, this morning I felt like a clear out to get ready for the upcoming season. Let it be noted that a lot of my make-up was out of dat

'Never let the things you want, make you forget the things you have.'

Todays post is a short but cheesy one. Since graduating, I have been rather scared of what the future holds. Leaving full time education for the first time since the age of four, made me feel a little uncomfortable. I like seeing the same people every day and having a wee routine (this may seem strange considering the fact that I am a performer and no two days are ever the same. However, this week things have been looking up. I started two new jobs and I am no so scared anymore. I think at times when you feel a little frightened and unsettled, it is best to try and look at all the positives in your life. Either write them down or just take a minute to have a wee think about 5 good things in your life that you are grateful for. Here are my 5: 1. My family.  They also support me in everything I do. There are many people who are starting a career in the performing arts whose parents don't support them. I know it must be scary for them and they may wish at times that I would