Autumn Make-Up Clear Out

I love make-up. There is rarely a day when I can go out without wearing it (there have been times recently when I have been feeling brave and have decided to face the world au natural but this is very rare indeed and by go out I might going to the shops.) This is mostly due to the fact that my skin is not the nicest. I realise that piling more make-up on is not going to help but to make my skin any better I would probably have to stop using make-up for a long time and this is not going to happen. What a conundrum! Anyway, the point of this blogpost is that this has resulted in me having a lot of make-up (well...what I consider to be a lot of make-up, however, having watched make-up collection videos on Youtube I realise that my collection is quite small in comparison. However, I probably use about 30% of my make-up and the rest is just sitting in cases. So, this morning I felt like a clear out to get ready for the upcoming season. Let it be noted that a lot of my make-up was out of date (disgusting I know but I promise I had not used any of it in a long time), however, I am a self-confessed hoarder. The reason I had kept it was generally because of three reasons which seemed perfectly fine in my head:
No. 1-it might be useful one day. As a performer I think "this horrible lipstick colour that would never suit me in a million years might be perfect for a character!" I do this with clothes too.
No.2-I used it in a show one time and it has memories for me. (Silly, I know, but this is how my brain seems to work :p)
No. 3-This was my first benefit product. (Benefit, was the first brand I really got in to when I started using 'big girl' make up. Also, the packaging is cute and I didn't want to throw it out. But it was empty and also about 8 years old).
It is all now in a bin bag ready to go outside. And I feel better for it. I think I definity have some room for some new makeup too!

I also found some things I had completely forgotten about too-like these paper eyelashes I bought in the Accessorize sale a few months ago for £3!

Do you have anything that you can't bear to throw away?


Fi xx


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