'Never let the things you want, make you forget the things you have.'

Todays post is a short but cheesy one. Since graduating, I have been rather scared of what the future holds. Leaving full time education for the first time since the age of four, made me feel a little uncomfortable. I like seeing the same people every day and having a wee routine (this may seem strange considering the fact that I am a performer and no two days are ever the same. However, this week things have been looking up. I started two new jobs and I am no so scared anymore. I think at times when you feel a little frightened and unsettled, it is best to try and look at all the positives in your life. Either write them down or just take a minute to have a wee think about 5 good things in your life that you are grateful for. Here are my 5:

1. My family. 
They also support me in everything I do. There are many people who are starting a career in the performing arts whose parents don't support them. I know it must be scary for them and they may wish at times that I would work in an office and earn a stable income but they support me because they know it is what I love and it makes me happy. My little sister is always around to make me giggle and she always  manages to cheer me up.

2. My boyfriend.
He is very lovely and he makes me happy. When I have had a stressful day, I know that a wee cinema date and chat with him will always calm me down. I don't want to PDA all over the internet but he is the best.

3. My friends.
All my friends are very different and crazy and that's why I love them. I love how even if I have not seen them in a long time, when I see them again it is just the same as it has always been. They have also helped me through stressful situations recently and many of them are about to move away and I shall miss them greatly. But I know that when I go visit them or when they come back at Christmas, it will not be awkward and we can just carry on as normal.

4. Having a warm house.
In Scotland just now, it is starting to cool down outside. I am grateful, that I can always come in  and snuggle in my bed. I am also grateful that there is always something for me to eat.

5. Career
I am grateful that I am able to perform and to help others perform and gain confidence for a living. I am also very grateful to those who have taught me in the past. Without them, I would still be a wee shy thing with no confidence who couldn't sing and who knows what career I would be going into instead.

Cheesiness over.


Fi xx


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