100 Happy Days

You may have already heard about this but I thought I would tell you anyway. As New Years Eve (or Hogmanay as it's called in Scotland) came around, I had considered doing a picture a day for a year as a little way of documenting 2014 for myself. Then I came across the #100happydays hashtag on instagram and decided to look further into it. Basically you just click on this wee website and sign up. You can choose whichever social media platform you prefer (I chose instagram), and document a happy thing that happens to you every day for 100 days. It says on the website that if you keep it up for 100 days then you can get a book made of all your happy days.
Today is my day 14 and so far I have had mixed results. On days when I am busy, I find that I have too many happy moments to document just one, but on days when I am just working from home I find it more challenging and usually just end up posting pictures of food. Which is ok I suppose, because food does make me happy.
It has encouraged me to take more photos and use my instagram a lot more. The challenge has also made me a lot more thankful and make me think a lot more about the little things that make me happy.

If you would like to take part in the challenge (what have you got to lose really...?) then go to 100happydays.com and if you want to follow my progress my instagram username is @FIC90.


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