Fitness 2014 Checklist

I think I said this when I first started this blog but I am really determined to get a little healthier this year. Since graduating from university in the summer I have been doing a lot less exercise. For anyone that doesn't know, I studied Musical Theatre and therefore did a number of dance classes and a lot of walking to and from university. I wouldn't say I'm unhealthy or need to particularly lose weight, I just want to be stronger and eat healthy. Here is my personal checklist of how I'm going to achieve what I want to achieve:

1. Pick exercise activities that I enjoy.
In the past I haven't particularly enjoyed going to the gym. I'm just unsure of what to do and feel a little self-conscious as all these people who seem to know what they are doing workout, around me. Last week, I tried a body balance class and really enjoyed it. I think it's a mixture of pilates, yoga and tai-chi. I did a bit of yoga a few years ago while I was still at school and found it boring but this time, I enjoyed the peace and quiet. Maybe I am getting more mature. Having said that I got a good workout and I could certainly feel it in my muscles the next day. I am also wanting to do more dance classes as this will get my fit whilst working on a skill that I can use in the future. In terms of dance based exercise classes, I have found a piloxing class local to me that I can't wait to try. This is apparently a mixture between pilates, boxing and dancing and sounds amazing! I also want to try a ballet based exercise class to get lovely lean muscles.

2. Pick a gym buddy.
Having just said that I don't like the gym, I gave it another go last week and really enjoyed myself. I find that I am much more motivated to exercise when I am going with a friend. It just makes it a lot less awkward for me. I picked my friend who has the same determination levels as me and as she used to be quite the gym bunny and since I have done some dance we ended up teaching each other some new things. She taught me an amazing ab workout and I taught her my favourite exercise for getting more flexible.

3. Treat yourself to new workout clothes.
A lot of the things I used to do dance classes in were not too suitable for the gym. I would feel a little weird walking about in a leotard. Treating myself to some new clothes for the gym has certainly increased my motivation.

4. Stick to a schedule.
Currently my friend and I are aiming to go to classes and to the gym about twice a week. In between times I make sure I do at least one thing a day which can count as exercise whether that be going on a long walk, playing Just Dance on the wii (which is actually a really good workout) or working on a dance  routine for an audition.

5. Eat healthier. 
I have been more aware of what I have been eating recently. For example I have tried to cut out the majority of microwave meals I eat and make my own meals instead. I still let myself have a wee treat now and again but I eat far less sugar than I used to.

6. Eat a good breakfast.
I have a confession to make. I used to eat chocolate for breakfast most days. I just don't like a lot of breakfast foods. I like to start my day with something sweet. However, I have changed to a more natural time of sugar and started eating granola, fruit and honey or acacia honey most mornings with either a glass of cranberry juice or a smoothie.

7. Drink healthier.
I would say that I used to drink about three glasses of fizzy juice a day. I cut this down after I found out that the caffeine can affect my singing (although I don't drink tea or coffee so it's not too bad) and started just drinking it at the weekends. Currently, I just stick to fruit juice (as long as it is not from concentrate, water or a smoothie and I feel so much better for it. If, I am really craving fizzy juice then I will have one but I have found that by cutting out unhealthy foods and drinks I don't really like the taste of them as much.

This checklist has really worked for me in the past month and I feel so much better for it. I used to get colds and bugs all the time but I definitely think all the fruit I am having has helped and my skin (which used to be a huge worry for me) has finally, at the age of 23, began to clear up. Yippee!




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