Shoes of the day: Floral Toms

I love my Toms. So much. I purchased these from Schuh before I went to Italy and have been wearing them constantly since. Why do I love them so much? 

1. They are so comfy. I have worn them lots when travelling and my feet have never become sore no matter how long I've walked.

2. They are easy to just slip off. No faffing about at airport security when I needed to remove my shoes and I could easily take them off when I got on the plane too. 

3. They look so cute. I nearly got the cream with pink flowers version and I'm glad I didn't because I think they would have got filthy very quickly. These ones go with a lot. 

4. Most importantly in my opinion their motto is 'One for One' for every pair of shoes purchased, Toms give a pair to a child in need in over 50 countries. When doing my research for this blog, I also learnt that when you buy a pair of Toms glasses, they give glasses, fund surgery  or medical treatment for someone in need. Amazing. 
I love this company.

To learn more go to


Fi xx


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