
Showing posts from June, 2013

Shoes of the day: Gold Sparkly

I bought these shoes in Next last summer. Next have really nice shoes, I really need to make more of an effort to go into Next to look at shoes cause they have some really lovely good quality ones. I bought these for my parent's 25th Wedding Anniversary at a gorgeous place called Seamill near Largs. It is the best. It holds a lot of memories and is beside the beach. They had a ceilidh (my favourite), however, these shoes are not very ceilidh friendly. Actually, in my opinion no shoes are ceilidh friendly. Ceilidhs are made to take your shoes off and have a good dance. I was at a ceilidh last week and I got so annoyed that no one else took their shoes off.  Here is the matching sparkly clutch. I also sang at that party and I nearly fell backwards in the middle of a song as they were so high. Walking in heels makes me look like bambi attempting to walk on ice.  These are the prettiest sparkly shoes and I always receive compliments when wearing them. They make me feel

Picture of the day-Mr Frog

Today I along with two of my best friends went on one of our weekly walks. I want to keep fit and don't really like going to the gym so this is a good alternative. We met this little guy along the way but at this point I think he was playing dead as we all screamed so loud as he hopped across our path. (He's ok now, he hopped away after we took this picture :p)  Love,  Fiona xx

Picture of the day.

So yesterday I painted my nails. I'm trying to make a habit of painting my nails more, as I did a clear out the other day and realised I have a lot of nail polish. Perhaps too much. I just get so impatient waiting for it to dry. But here are my nails in the sky. My boyfriend and I went to a lovely local park, and sunbathed. In Scotland! Crazy, right? Sorry it's a little fuzzy. My boyfriend took it. Also I was wearing my new ring that I got in paper chase for 75p! It was reduced from £4 and I had been looking at it for ages and decided to treat myself. Unfortunately it broke later on in the day cause my boyfriend squeezed my hand too hard :p Here is a close up of my nails: The lilac colour is purple sherbet by Ciaté and the sparkly colour is white 314 (I wish they would think up more imaginative names) by Barry M and is part of the new sequin effect collection. The sequin one went weirdly lumpy on the opaque sections which was a little dissapointing as I'd been

My current hair product obsession

As mentioned in a previous blog post, I am not a real ginger person. I actually dye it red. I know everyone in Scotland is actually ginger, but I am naturally blond and a few years ago I took the decision to go red. And I haven't looked back since. I suit being a red head so much more.  However, it has brought some problems. Red dye fades the fastest, and all the upkeep is not only expensive but also bad for my hair. I use semi-permanent dye as I have heard it is better for the health of your hair and I get it done professionally as I find, for me personally, that it is less dry after a visit to the hairdressers. This product has really helped my hair in the past few months. Before using it, I found that my hair was getting tangled very easily. This hasn't been a big problem recently and I think it's down to this spray. On the back it says its a thickening leave it conditioner. I definitely think it has helped my hair to have more volume. I used to have such thick hair that

Review: Nardini's Glasgow

The other day one of my Best Friend's turned 23. She is one of my oldest friends and I know she reads my blog so hiya Emma! Anyway, the point of this story is that she decided that what she wanted to do for her birthday day is have ice cream for lunch. Mmm mmm mmm. (This Emma is also my main walking buddy-the other feet featured in my picture in the post "Sun!!!"-therefore I think it is ok that we treat ourselves and eat a lot of sugar for a main meal as we have been doing a lot of exercise recently.) So, both of us and two of her friends from uni, went to visit a lovely little Ice Cream place called Nardini's in Glasgow's West End. It is situated in Byres Road, just opposite Hillhead Subway Station. We decided to be slightly good and the two of us shared a chicken and mediterranean vegetable toastie before the main event of ice cream. It was rather yummy indeed. I treated myself to a "Meringue Glace" Sundae. It had lots of meringue and sponge and vani

Review-Zara Office City Bag

I realise that many people have this nag and that there are countless reviews on the internet but I thought I would give my take on it. I bought this bag at the start of the year-it was sold out in every store I went in to so I decided to get it online. It cost £49.99. I wouldn't normally spend this much on a bag-I tend to use one handbag all the time and I like to carry everything with me so they usually collapse on me after a couple of months-but I wanted to treat myself after working hard all winter and this bag has not given up yet. It has a few bits of wear and tear at the corners but I think that it understandable after all this time.  As I already mentioned, I like to carry everything with me. I need a Mary Poppins bag. Whenever anyone needs something, I am the girl to come to-fully stocked pencilcase-check, tissues-check, curbis and bobbles galore-check, lint roller...-check, so I like a lot of pockets to keep some resemblance of order. This bag fulfills all

Mini Supermarket Beauty Haul and First Impressions

The other day I was doing some food shopping and saw a couple of products I thought I would try out. Having just finished university, I have been trying to cut back on my spending and thought that buying cheaper beauty products would be a way to start! The first product I found was from Tesco. It is Pro Formula Radiance BB Cream in Light. This is developed specifically for Tesco (which I think basically means that it is an own brand product) and was around £5. I have combination skin and therefore bought the normal/combination formula.  It has SPF 15 in it which will be great for when the sun decides to come back to us, or for when I go on holiday. It has Green Tea and Vitamin E Complex which sounds healthy and is hypoallergenic and they don't test on animals. Yay Tesco!  Before this, I was using the green L'Oreal CC Cream. To be honest, I didn't really like that product and haven't yet finished it. I did ask the girl at the counter if it was just one shade and sh

What's in my handbag makeup bag and why?

I love reading these types of blog posts because it means I can be nosy and see what makeup other people carry about with them on a daily basis and get some ideas from them. So here is what I have in the makeup bag in my handbag and some reasons for each product: Firstly, my makeup bag is from Emma Bridgewater. It was a present from my parents one Christmas and I cannot see similar ones on the website just now but you can buy Emma Bridgewater in many shops so you may be able to find one somewhere. It has really cute bright purple lining which makes it even better! 1. Collection Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner in Teal -I got this free when buying other Collection products at Boots. I really like it and it is a nice wee change from my usual black and adds a nice pop of colour. Sometimes I do a very thin line of black and add a touch of teal above it. It is very waterproof though so it takes quite a lot of effort to remove it.  2. Bourjois Liner Feutre in Black -I mostly always

Summer Wishlist

I am lucky enough to be going on lots of lovely travels this summer, some are for work and some are just for holidays but I think I'll just need to treat myself a little (if I have any money left that is :p) so here are a few things I would love to be packing in my suitcase! Charleston Dress , £25, Asda I love the 1920s trend that is about just now due to 'The Great Gatsby' film. It is possibly my favourite era and I think this dress from Asda (yes, Asda the supermarket made this dress! Amazing!) is just perfect. I am going to Italy with my lovely choir and think this would just be lovely to wear with some little heels to stroll about beside the lakes. Brow Kit , £8.49, Sleek I am just about to run out of my brow pencil (I've been using Soap and Glory's Arc De Triumph for ages now and I do love it but I want to try something new), and I really think that keeping your eyebrows tidy, as annoying as that can be, is really important, as it helps t

Making Sushi!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> So today, I made sushi for the first time. Not real raw-fish sushi, but candy sushi. (I really hate fish, I can't eat it-I wish I did, I love the concept of going into Sushi restaurants and taking the wee dishes off the conveyor belt.) My sister ordered a set from Amazon-something like this little one here  and we waited for it to arrive in anticipation. When it came through the door we got straight to work. I had watched Youtube videos of people making them and had seen that some kits tasted better than others so I was a little worried, but as soon as we started putting the little sachets of powder into the water it smelt delicious! The instructions are in Japanese so we had to find some English instructions on the interweb. It worked so well! I was amazed seeing it all transform into various things in front of our eyes. We will definitely be ordering

A Sunny Walk

So a couple of days ago I went on another little walk as part of my new 'let's be healthy' regime. People say that being able to drive completely opens up the world to you and it does. It means I've been able to drive myself and my favourite people to places that would have been to far to walk to in the past. So I took my/my mum's car and drove to a little loch (or lake to my non-Scottish readers) called James Hamilton Memorial Park in East Kilbride-just a little outside of Glasgow. I took my little sister (who is infact not so little but actually about double the height of me...I told you I was small-see my post entitled 'Hello...') and my boyfriend and we took a little stroll. James Hamilton is nowhere near as big as Strathclyde Country Park so is better for a more relaxed walk but I still include it as exercise-even though we ate ice lollies on the way round-lemon flavoured lollies are the best in my opinion. Our walk was going very well until my l

What I bought whilst in London

So, this holiday, I was very good and bought a lot less than I would normally do. However, I did pick up a few little treats on my travels: 1. IPhone Cover Front of Cover Inside I took my boyfriend to Camden Market for the first time. I wasn't too sure if he was going to like it-I think it's one of those places that you either love or you hate. I for one love it and thankfully he did too :) If you have never been before, I would definitely check it out and form your own opinion. You can get some amazing bargains and even do some bartering-exciting! At one of the inside parts-it's huge btw-I found a stall selling lots of these little leather phone cases in lots of different designs. I settled on this 'Banksy' inspired one. It has a cute wee clip and little card pockets. I love it. The only downside is my phone sometimes falls out the wee plastic casing part-oh oh. You can also find them online at 2. Oyster Card Holder A

A Glasgow Girl in London:Part 4-No One Mourns the Wicked

As I await my honours degree results (ahhhhhhhh!) I thought I would finally catch up on the last of my London blogs. On our last day we decided we would catch a matinee before heading back on the dreaded overnight megabus. We again bought our tickets from the Half-Price ticket booth and managed to get tickets for Wicked for £19.50 with a £2 booking fee. Yay! The Apollo Victoria theatre is not the prettiest theatre in the West End but it was handy for the coach station which meant we didn't have to rush after the show! We didn't get upgraded this time and the theatre was packed, (mostly with very noisy school kids) which meant that we ended up in row X of the dress circle. The very back of the entire, very tall theatre. My boyfriend ended up paying the £1 for the funny wee binoculars. I had already seen Wicked with the Original London Cast (yay!) and used to be obsessed with the show so it was nice to see a show where I knew every single line and song back to front and upside do

A Glasgow Girl in London:Part 3-Once

Today we bought tickets for Once at one of the Half-Price Ticket Booths just off Leicester Square. I had always bought tickets from the big tkts booth (where we bought our 'A Chorus Line' tickets) or at the theatre after a dodgy online experience. I don't know why I thought these other booths were untrustworthy...I just did. But it was absolutely fine and we got super cheap tickets for what turned out to be an amazing show. 'Once' is a completely different show from anything I have ever seen before and was fairly busy for a Tuesday night (perhaps due to it's feature on a recent episode of The Graham Norton Show). The Phoenix Theatre was so quaint and cute, and as we arrived we were in for a treat yet again-another upgrade. Our seats were fantastic. We sat down and were surprised to see audience members going onto the stage. I'm not sure if you needed a special ticket or just needed to be sitting in the stalls but as the show is set in a pub, before the show

A Glasgow Girl in London:Part 2-A Chorus Line

As I said in my previous blog my boyfriend and I are currently in London and bought tickets last night for the revival of 'A Chorus Line' at the Palladium. Our tickets were for the cheap seats (dress circle) but as when we arrived we were told that we had been upgraded to the Royal Circle as the Dress Circle was closed. Yay!  We went into the foyer and I was amazed at how gorgeous the Palladium is. It's just so pretty and royal looking! We got out programmes (at £3.50 they were cheaper than a lot of programmes we get at home) and headed to the equally gorgeous bar. Once the theatre opened we headed to our seats-our view was spectacular! I had heard a member of the theatre staff say the show was like marmite-people either loved it or hated it as in this revival there wasn't a lot of set. I totally understand why they did it though. It let the actors be the main focal point and showed that behind the scenes at the theatre is not all glitz and glamour. All the perfo

A Glasgow Girl in London:Part 1-Megabus.

So yesterday me and my boyfriend set off on a 9 hour Megabus journey to London at 6 am. The bus was better than I thought (the last time I travelled by the Megabus to London it was overnight and was not very fun. It was noisy and a little smelly and I couldn't sleep.) and was made even better by the fact that my boyfriend had brought his Frasier box set and so I passed the majority of the time watching that on his laptop and sleeping. By the time we arrived at Victoria Coach Station we went and got our Oyster cards updated. (I will never get over the thrill of beeping through and get amazingly good value travel, I think they should introduce it to Glasgow.) We made our way to our hotel which is very basic but will do and was very very cheap, had a very welcome shower and got changed for a nice meal. We ate at TGI I know there is one in Glasgow and we were planning on being adventurous but by this time I was exhausted and wanted a nice familiar meal. I ordered my usual

Holey Jumpers...

This is going to be a short blog post today, aside from the fact that I have been running after small children all day, I am also leaving for a little romantic break very early tomorrow morning...(however, I am not looking forward to sitting on a Megabus for hours-gah). So today I have decided to tell you about my current obsession-holey jumpers. I have two just now and definitely wish to expand my collection. Aside from the fact that when I wear either of these jumpers at least 3 people will ask me if I know that I have holes in my clothing, I love them! They are so cosy and look all cute and lived in.  This one is from a boutique in London. I can't remember the name of it but the brand is called Alice. This one is from Romwe. It is one my favourite items of clothing ever and is similar to one of the Wildfox jumpers and was on sale! It says its dry clean only which is a pain but it survived a cold hand wash :) Love,            Fiona